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We believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original autographs and the only rule of Faith, guide for practice and indisputable and ultimate authority of the Revelation of God.

II TIMOTHY 3:16-17, PSALM 19:7-11


We believe in the Divine personhood of the Holy Spirit and His present-day ministry to Believers, including the sovereign distribution of spiritual gifts, which empowers Believers for service in the Contemporary Church.



We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons; namely the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and who has revealed His name as Jesus through which men must be saved.

1 JOHN 5:7; ST. MATTHEW 28:19; ACTS 4:10-12


We believe in Jesus Christ as the Sovereign Giver of spiritual gifts to the church. We further believe spiritual gifts are given for the perfecting of the Saints, for work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ and are given without regard to ethnicity, social class, or gender.



We believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, and was conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary; that Jesus was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead on the third day and that He ascended bodily into the heaven and is now at the right hand of the Father as our mediator, high priest and advocate.

HEBREWS 9:24; I CORINTHIANS 15:12-22; ST. JOHN 1:14; 3:16; ST. LUKE 1:26-35; GALATIANS 4:4-5; 1 CORINTHIANS 15:3-4; EPHESIANS 4:8-10; ROMANS 8:34.


​We believe in water baptism by immersion and Holy Communion - The Lord's Supper as the ordinances of the church to be observed as public declaration of salvation through Jesus and in commemoration of His death, burial and resurrection in victory over Satan, death, hell and the grave.

MATTHEW 28:18-20

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